Wednesday, December 10, 2008

All moved in...

Well, Miss Chloe and I are all moved in, now if we could just get unpacked and organized! I just finished the first class in my bachelor's program on Monday, so the stress of that is finally over! Now I can focus my energies to the new place and to the remainder of holiday preparations. I have a week off from school before the start of my next class. I had forgotten how nice it is to take a break. Chloe and I have already put up our artificial tree, the next step is to decorate it and the new apartment. That is the task for tonight, hopefully! I will post pictures when everything is done and looking beautiful!


Stephanie said...

Enjoy what sounds like a much needed break! Happy holidays and good luck on my giveaway! =)

Geri said...

School is ohhhhh so demanding. You deserve a break!

Kmommy said...

I hope you had a good break. School is very very time consuming. I'm so glad I got it all over with before I had children.